The Marshall Islands are located in the Pacific Ocean - the region known as Micronesia. The Marshall Islands are a series of atolls and coral reefs - the entire land mass of the Marshall Islands is about the size of Washington DC - but they are spread over a region of the Pacific Ocean the size of Mexico.
Located 2,000 miles from Hawaii, and 2,500 miles East of the Phillipines, the Marshall Islands are remote. They are famous for battles in the Pacific during World War II, and are infamous for hosting the Atomic Tests in the 1950s. The Bikini Islands were used for many of these tests - with the 160 odd inhabitiants of Bikini Island re-located to another Island. More recently, the Kwajelein Atoll is used by the US for missile tests.
With an average elevation of less than 4 feet above sea level, the Marshall Islands are very much at risk from the effects of Global Warming - with rising sea water jeopardizing it's water, coral reefs, and land mass itself.
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